

For that few moments of awareness

The importance of sharing information

Media is a powerful tool to store and deliver information or data. We are such a tool for workplace harassment. On this page we provide you with carefully selected information and data to support you. By sharing information of different people, companies and countries we create the ideal content for our advices and workshops.

This page will be regularly updated so you have a good impression of the latest cases around the globe. All these cases will contribute in proving the importance of defining, recognizing and preventing workplace harassment.

Misstanden The Voice: "Melden is moeilijk!"

- Karin Bosman: "Minder dan één procent van de slachtoffers van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag maakt hier melding van, blijkt uit cijfers van TNO" -

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In December 2017 Karin Bosman walked 313 miles from Trump Towers to the White House. Afterwards she had a fantastic photo shoot in NYC with Trudy Giordano of Rawthentic for a coffee book project of the Denim Days New York.


AWH media partners:
